Let me begin by saying I am for the concept of solar energy — it just makes sense. Unfortunately, the current administration subsidized this industry too soon. I feel we stunted the true tech growth (efficiency of the panels, installing other higher efficient options in lieu of first generation PV). Thankfully, thin film tech has exceeded 20% efficiency as this is one of the cheapest options. At least we don’t need to worry as much about hail damage and other environmental influences.
My point — while I do believe it is exciting to see us push forward with this tech, I can’t help but wonder if this was too soon and that we stopped a true genius from coming up with a better answer. I really hope the 20 to 30 year life expectancies that everyone touts DOESN’T hold up.
Please, some genius find a way to retrofit these installations today with efficiency upgrades before we are stuck in this current generation production for 20 stagnant years.